About Us

iDesignPro.in is the most trusted & leading online seller of electronics products and well-known e-shop for all your IT related requirements. We sell widest range of electronic products on our website. We have very exclusive collection of “Do-it-yourself” (DIY) learning kits science projects. Most of our products are very unique and custom designed keeping our client requirements in mind.

We truly believe in ‘Customer Satisfaction‘ & all the services that we provide are redirected towards it. We are one of the prime e-commerce platforms to fulfill your all IT peripherals & personal computing needs. We also have variety of electronic modules and hobby kits for educational & learning purpose.

We are making great effort to provide quality products to our buyers with a collection of advanced & latest technology. We try to provide a hassle-free and pleasant shopping experience to our customers.

Our Policy –
We Offer quality products to the buyers with the best price at their doorstep.

Our Service –
We focus on availing easy & personalized service for our buyers. Your order is processed in a minimal time as we have tie-up with major courier suppliers to deliver in any part of India.